- Jim Rogers
- Marc Faber
- Peter Schiff
- Ron Paul
- George Soros
- Dr Nouriel Roubini
- Gerald Celente
They are not pessimistics, they are just realistic. They understand the facts and know how to analyse the economy and more importantly they got it right previously and they use the most important tools that others fail to understand or refuse to accept it, common sense.
Like what Jim Rogers said, Ben Bernanke has been wrong about the US economy for the past 7 years, and Timothy Geithner has been wrong about the economy for the past 15 years and the administration chooses them as their critical advisor. They are the elites, they only helps their own kind, and of course, the have to do something politically right but economically wrong.
It is sad to know that most people is influnce by what they listen from the media and other popular economists saying this crisis will be over by end of 2009 or early 2010, they haven't even sees the real thing yet!!
Please prepare yourself or you may regret it.
I believe the failure of most economists on the crisis is they may have studied the wrong type of economics and forgot about the most important tools, common sense, and of course influence by the media.
So, for learning economics, I would recommend we read more stuff written by this guys. They have been right and will be right on this one as well.
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