Fed Reserve is printing about USD1.1 trillion to bailout the financial and mortgage institutions.
Do we see the logic here?
- China or Japan are no longer interested to buy out debt created by US Government, so the Fed replace them by taking up the USD1.1 trillion debt, issued by treasuries and buying up the mortgage backed securities.
- Fed is bankrupted, and is still able to create USD1.1 trillion, anyone care to audit Fed Reserve? Under the law, they are not auditable. What do they have to hide?
- Fed is creating or reflating the phony bubble, i.e. putting good money into bad investment, which is economically unproductive, and morally and ethically wrong.
- The reason is to devalue the US dollar, so that when they pay back the lender, it only worth half the value. Is like example, US owe China about USD600 billion which is converted today (6.9) to RMB4.1 trillion, in the future, when US is devalued to (USD1=RMB3.45), when the Chinese sell their US Bonds in the future, they can only get back about RMB2.05 trillion, which is half the early value when US bought their imports from China.
- Fed is also bailing out their elite cronies in the Wall Street.
- By printing so much money, do we think it can solve the problems of a over geared and over consumed country, then wouldn't it be easy for BNM to purchase all the bonds issued by government and raised RM1 trillion, and the RM won't suffer as the consequence, and everyone will be rich in Malaysia.
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