Lots of expert predict dollar will crash, or collapsed, due to the money printing for the last two years, including Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, and Peter Schiff and lots of more experts.
Only two believe it will strengthen first before it can collapse, they are Gary Shilling and Robert Prechter.
If it collapsed, USA technically has given China lots of toilet papers. But would it? Only one way this way happen, the implosion of debt will far outpace the Fed QEs. What is the chances of this happen?
Of course, USA wish they can hyper-inflate out of their debt, that would be ideal, but the question, would they get away such easy, after printing for the last 70 years. I believe most asset class will deflate over the next few years, example, commodities, stocks, bonds, properties, and of course "social media", sovereign ratings, government bonds, etc.
Of course, everyone is correct at the moment because all commodities peak, stocks peak, social media assets, etc.
It is USA's wishes to hyper-inflate out of their debt. It would have been a perfect way to get out of debt Japan can't do it. Because the debt implosion and debt contraction exceed all interventions by the government. Think about it, what will happen to all those BAD DEBTS, who will suffer for it, banks or taxpayers?
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