From USA, London to PIIGS. Crisis mainly due to property bubble.
Japan in 1989, property crashed.
Next, Asia Pacific like, China, Australia, HK, Singapore or Malaysia. Give or take, 2 to 3 years from 2011. I believe it is a domino effects. Thanks to stimulus and loan growth.
Only pockets will burst. A study shows that it closely correlated with KLSE. So, keep a look out on the share market as well, especially near the coming General Election (hence no more than 2013).
I don't remember 5 years ago there are any property gurus around. Today, any other day you can see advertisements by property gurus. Some have thousand of followers, some, a few hundreds. If you add them up, it is quite substantial say give and take, 5000 students. Assuming, 20% wants to accumulate RM1.0 million worth of property, you will have 1000 students x RM1.o million, we will have about RM1.0 billion (excludes foreigners). The balance 4000 eager students, say on average own about RM400K, you will get another RM1.6 billion. So, thanks to the new FORCE of property, we created a FRENZY for properties.
No wonder we hear less are in stocks, properties is big money. Launches on condos, easily, in RM300 mil to RM1.5 billion development. Some snapped up like within 2 days. Some have to ballots. Some, price skyrocked because there is an international school and a hospital and have a western concept.
Lets hope that they are right, FD is only 2.8% p.a., inflation is 8%. No way out but properties, which are proven a hedge against inflation. But many do not know what is DEFLATION, other than the Japanese. After 20 years, their properties is 70% below its peak in 1989.
This time is different, again, the most dangerous four letter word.
In an upcycle, everything is rosy. That does not mean you cannot buy property, you just have to be far more cautious. Remember, property is for 10 to 20 years, so be selective, one do not have many chances in one lifetime. It took American 63 years for the properties to burst, many have not seen a property drop in their lifetime.
Do your homework and maths, be rational. Sound easy, but most end up being emotional. At the moment, there is no sense of fear that property will burst, it is more of a fear of not able to get a property.
The reason I mention a couple of time on property is that, the world currently is more integrated and money flow in or out are more easy, couple with stimulus and liquidity, everything goes up. When did we last hear that when crude oil prices goes up and share prices go up the same time?
It is not easy to know when is the top, so, lock in when the profit is decent.
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