"This time is different" theory is incorrect. What is the justification of investing for capital gain when supply exceed demand? Properties never drop? That is exactly said in USA, prices of properties had not drop over the last 63 years. What about Japan in 1989? Demand will fill up the empty building and overprice building? Japan will continue to grow perpectually? What about Dubai?
Well, it is just another "musical chair" game. Well, some takes longer to stop, that is all, but they eventually stop, one way or another. I think the trick here is not so much it takes 63 years to pop like in USA, USA prices double to triple in 2000-2005, couple with a lot of derivatives. Japan land prices tripled from 1986 to 1991.
The problem is that when the music stops, the speculators/gamblers will be in for a shock. Not many area that a Chinese can put their money anyway (stocks or properties). One may argue, most Chinese paid 30-50% cash deposit, hence, no worry, well, yes, they can enjoy the music longer than others that's all. What happen if they are unemployed, can they live in 5 unoccupied condos?
Centralised planning is good? It only takes 9 elites in China to make the government policy, how efficient is that. American takes 10 years to build a bridge, China takes 3 years.
Urbanisation will solve the problem? Well, lets do more research on this.
2008-2010 (to be updated soon) - I believe couple of trillion here and there.
Japan land price increase 3 times from 1986 to 1989
USA land price increase 3 times from 2000-2005
Home affordibility ratio:
Australia 7x
Mumbai 10x
China (Shanghai and Shenzhen) 40x
Singapore 26x
(This ratio is taken from a blog, handle with care)
During the 2007 to 2008, US dollar appreciate about 20% (please recheck) against major currency, and the following collapse (different timing)
2011 - GOLD reach new high, SILVER reach new high, OIL reach USD106 per barrel, lot of commodities (Copper, corn, sugar, soya) reach new high and at the same time, US dollar reach its historical low.
Could it be CARRY TRADE in US dollar like Japan? Could Fact #1 points to debt implosion is far greater than government printing of money (larger than it could handle)?
Could Fact #2 ignites a SECOND TSUNAMI from the property bubble from Emerging Market?
Could Fact #3 reverse, i.e. US dollar reverse from the current historical low? Don't forget, Japan went into the following scenerio before during the 1989 crisis, people thought the printing of money by Japan government will turn yen into toilet paper (but it became stronger since)
Would it be so simple, at the moment, the majority (even a common person on the street) could explain that the printing of money will cause hyperinflation? So, buy gold and silver, commodities and don't keep cash. In the financial history, we only see that when gold and silver has a negative correlation with stock market, and why does this time round it turn positive?
Well, the world economics is dynamic, but, debt creation is TANGIBLE, properties oversupply is TANGIBLE, commodities price spike beyond supply and demand is TANGIBLE, how else could we explain why all asset classes increase will US dollar depreciates.
If Japan needs to reconstruct its countries, it would need new funding outside Japan because Japan trade surplus will shrink over the next few years, and foreign funding for Japan will be more expensives, guess what denomination of funding Japan must issue, I think most likely is US dollar (hmmm, a new demand for US dollar).
Recently China is reducing its US dollar reserves, but Japan maintain its US dollar reserves. Could it be Japan has seen this before (DEBT DEFLATION)?
Give it a thought and do more research. Because, if one read it correctly, one can protect its own wealth.
U.S. dollar - DOWN OR CRASH
Interest Rates - REMAIN LOW OR DOWN
Stock market - UP
Inflation - UP
U.S. Economy - UP
Real estate - UP
Well, one has to watch out when consensus thinking at its peak, the REVERSAL may happen. Could this be a signal of reversal. If you say otherwise, the concensus will bury you alive, especially at the moment. They will give you every single fundamental reason to support their arguement and validate that their CONSENSUS thinking of the market is absolutely CORRECT. Don't waste your time to argue otherwise.
We shall see. Lets do a little mathematic here, when was the last time you here 95% of the consensus will make lots of money and the 5% who do not listen to the consensus will go broke. Some may say, don't swim against the tide, you will be swept away. History has proven, it is the 5% that holds 95% of the wealth. What has change? Like a casino, what is the chance that a casino lose?
What about Malaysia? If you tell people real estate price will go down, you will have a hard time convincing them, each arguement you bring out, they will drown you with 5 other arguement that the prices will go up. So the CONSENSUS is clear. It is the same CONSENSUS on the Bursa Malaysia, it is undervalue, sure it will go up.
So the question is can the CONSENSUS be right for a long run? Or should it be rephrase, 95% of world population will eventually be rich, only 5% will be poor? The CONSENSUS will say, this time is different!
DJIA in terms of GOLD has todate dropped drastically since 2008.
DJIA say in peak of 2007 is 13000, gold is 1000 per oz = 13 times gold per oz
Today, 2011 March 18, DJIA is 11,900, gold is 1420 per oz = 8.3 times gold per oz
Perhaps it is good to measure DJIA in term of CRB Index, meaning each DJIA point to buy each CRB Index point. However, although this measurement will indicate the which Asset Class is better, don't forget, both DJIA and CRB Index does not reflect the fundamental of the demand and supply, but merely the buying and selling of financial papers by GROUP of investors/speculators. This measurement however do indicates the relative purchasing power of DJIA in term of CRB points. Worth a while to calculate this ratio over a long period of time.
Allocations of cash into which asset class is very important. Hence, an indepth study on which asset to allocate is a worthwhile effort. Say if I were lucky enough to invest in gold at USD250 per oz in 2000, now it is USD1400, i.e. almost 6 times or 600% gain in 10 yrs. I suppose, one have to be quite a contrarian to do that and very very patient about it.
Say now, if an investor shorted stocks in 2010, although he/she is entirely wrong in 2010 (for a year), what will he or she get in 2015 or 2020? Just like gold, if you buy gold in 2001, it really didn't move between 2001 to 2005, that means, you can be wrong for 1-5 years in a row because gold is moving between USD300 to 400 per oz. Of course you will still be leaking your wounds if you have bought gold in 1980 at about USD800 per oz. Meaning, at today USD1400 per oz, an increase of ONLY 75% over 30 years, BAD BAD BAD investment indeed. So, TIMING is another crucial element here.
At the current printing of money by both USA, Europe, China and the rest of the world, it is hard not to believe in the long run i.e. 5-10 years, gold will continue to move up. So the main ingredient is the same, patient and right allocation. Near term, correction may happen. So a regular investment in gold is not a bad idea, every quarters, perhaps?
Before one gets there, one must be very very patient. Just like you know USA, Europe and Japan is having too high gearing, be it private or public, sooner or later they will burst, in a few ways, either stocks will collapse like Japan, or the currency will depreciate drastically against commodities, in short, or property prices collapse, I believe, which ever asset class that is too high in gearing will eventually dropped, Japan properties and stocks is a very good example.
The BEAR may be back for a VENGENCE!
Very good ideas. Try all four at the same time, surely he can't be wrong 4 out of 4, timing wise, but, he is a BILLIONAIRE, so he must have good research. Of course, don't follow blindly, investigate his reasoning, and research on the information.
US stock market has doubled since 2009, i.e. almost in 2 years. A major correction (if any) is long overdue. The stock market is also overbought, another reason for correction. On the same score, mutual fund is almost fully invested, similar prior to the 2008 crash and optimism is at its peak for stocks and commodities. So is US dollar, at its most pesimistic sentiment.
Jim Rogers in his current interview says, US dollar may rebound (next 3mths or a year) in the short and medium term as he explained, when the scale on the other side is overloaded, it will move back the opposite side, to balance off.
If both Marc Faber and Jim Rogers are right, then, a reverse in US dollar will cause the drop in most other assets classes example, stocks and commodities. Of course they are saying US dollar in a long run will become "TOILET PAPERS". In a long run, I believe, everyone dies (physically) and they are correct to say so.
They are not the best in timing the market, but their "view" should be heard, especially Jim Rogers puts his money where his mouth is.