Monday, August 24, 2009


What goes up, will come down, what is left, nothing's right.
It's is an interesting movie indeed. The moral of the story is, we live in a deluded world. Your hero may turn out to be the villian. Just like Warren Buffett. When we think he has high moral and virtues, but in reality, he is only human, he choose to gain from others' pain in the recent bailouts. He is the prime beneficiary in the bailouts, no wonder he said, Ben Bernanke is the smartest guy on earth, which personally I find it distasteful.
Well, this is live is all about. Living in delusion. The more one is deluded, the harder one have to face reality when it comes right smacking in their face, and they may not able to accept reality.

The illustration above tells us a story that when we detach ourselves too much from reality, we will be in for a shock of our lives. Could you emagine 5 months ago in March 2009 and the emotion now in August 2009. Have they forgotten that the world economy is grapping for air? And now only 5 months down the road, they are celebrating. Well, we can understand that if we were wrongly told that we have 6 months to live, but the reality is, our illnesses are far from over, a few morphin injection may sooth the pain, but it does not remove the fundamental problem. Hence, investor should be very careful, another bubble is in the making. Rather than risking for the remaining 20% gain than exposure to the 80% of the bubble being poked.

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