Sunday, July 19, 2009

SOS who is right? Your pick

Dear all, kindly pick the experts (on economics) according to your liking:
  1. Peter Shiff

  2. Jim Rogers

  3. Marc Faber

  4. Gerald Celente

  5. Webster Tarpley

  6. Bob Chapman

  7. Lindsey Williams

  8. Max Keiser

  9. Robert Prechter

  10. Harry S. Dent

  11. A. Gary Shilling

  12. Andy Xie
  13. George Soros

And also pick your shape of the recovery of world economy (not stock market) in 2009

  1. V
  2. U
  3. W
  4. L
  5. \
  6. ?

Who it the biggest culprit?

  1. Derivatives (USD600 trillion)
  2. US debt (USD60 trillion)
  3. Credit bubble - student loan, sub prime mortage, hedge funds, etf, credit default swap, cdo, mortgage debt securities, etc

What inflation cannot dissapear?

  1. currency inflation?
  2. credit inflation?

The answer is currency inflation.

MyTake on world economy (especially US)

  1. deflationary depression (2-3 years)
  2. may follow by hyper inflation (after deflationary depression in full swing, buy commodities)
  3. V shape recovery (highly unlikely, but a slow recovery)

Reasons for the above CREDIT deflation. It is simply too hugh (including derivatives), period.

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