For those who believe in deflationary depression is yet to come, perhaps Inverse ETFs will help you prosper. Inverse ETF is like a ETF that short the market/assets.
Some of the Inverse ETFs are:-
DOG - short Dow 30
CMD - short commodity
SKF - short financials
SRS - short real estates
REW - short technology
EEV - short emerging market
Analysts that believe US & Europe is going to go through deflationary depression, where, most assets class investments will fall:-
Robert Prechter
Martin Weiss
Gary Shilling
Harry Dent
I personally believe the experts above said is true, based on facts, and figures and social mood as well. There are money to be made in a depression. Well, allocate a sum of money you can afford to lose, because this is a chance of a lifetime, in occur every 76 years. Well, if you got it wrong, meaning the market is not going into deflationary depression, there are higher chances that you still keep your job, so, that's not too bad. Once the deflation plays out (could be 2010 to 2014), the hyper inflation will sets in, the you move your investments into Commodities.
Well, if you read it wrongly, i.e. inflationary depression comes first, then you lose. So please do your homework, get prepare. Either case, you can have about 20% hedge over your call, either inflation or deflation. Refer to my article on Portfolio Allocation.
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