Fundamental analysis tells us the history of a particular company. However, the price action or the trade price of the company may or may not reflect the fundamental of the said company. Why? Price actions, or the price traded only reflect the actions taken by the partcipants, comprising rationale and non rationale actions.
Fundamental analysis is studying the strength of the financial statements. Of course, if the figure is cooked up, no one will know the strength of the financial statements, normally, not a good one. Sometime, no matter how good fundamentally the company is in, if the industry is a sunset industry, participants will shy away.
There is also times when it is effected by the market cycle. When the entire economy is not doing well, no matter how good the company, it will be undervalued.
One of the good measurement is to look at the daily sentiment of the financial markets. If they go to the extreme, it will revert. Once recognise, it will react.
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