GOVERMENT - total USD121.8 trillion
- Healthcare plan - USD1 trillion
- Govt deficit next 10 yrs - USD9 trillion
- Existing Govt debt - USD11.8 trillion
- Unfunded Obligation (socialcare, medicare, medicade) - USD104 trillion
- Private or Corporate Debt - USD45 trillion
- Debt held by Foreign countries - USD7.9 trillion
- Derivatives - USD250 trillion (some are contra off)
- GDP = consumption + govt spending + investment + [export - import]
- Consumption = USD10 trillion
- DJIA earnings about USD0.5 trillion to USD0.75 trillion (average 2007-2008)
- DJIA earnings 2009 = less than USD0.14 trillion or USD140 billion
- Savings rate of consumer increased since early 2009
- Lending is down (but reserve is up, arising from QE)
- Borrowing is down (overleverage, credit cards, mortgage)
- 98 banks bankrupted to date
- Unemployment rate increases
- Most says USD continue to collapse
- Most says run to hard assets i.e. commodities
- Most says Hyperinflation is the current threat
- Most says China & Russia & Emerging market will save for global economy
- Most says gold price will at least double over the next few years
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