Friday, October 30, 2009
SOS Myth GDP forecast leads the Market

Thursday, October 29, 2009
SOS Myth on US Dollar

S&P 500 (according to Bloomberg Sept 2009) = PE of 20.2 times
Dow 30 dividend yield = 2.94% lowest since 1929
Stocks are overvalued relative last 80 years
Dollar will collapse = due to stimulus & money printing (on contrary, debt implosion or deleveraging is quicker than the printer
Fed can solve the problem = never in history, only prolong or worsen
Gold is undervalued = relative against US currency, who depreciate 96% (25 times) while gold appreciate from USD20 to USD1000 per oz (50 times) since 1971, hence it is relative
Crude oil will reach USD100 per barrel = another myth on peak oil = collapse in consumption will keep it down
Earnings will drive the market = myth
SOS Myth on Efficient Market

Xie Sohu blog http://xieguozhong.blog.sohu.com/
The best way is to restrict money growth and nominal GDP growth rate of the deviation between the
The demand for money is effective? The answer to this question relates to how monetary policy be regarded as the best. With the increase in the rate financial institutions to leverage on the demand for money is increasing, and this problem is equivalent to asking the financial system is valid. I think the answer is no. Monetary authority or central bank has the responsibility to take this into account. The best way is to restrict money growth and nominal GDP growth rate of the deviation between. In particular, when the economic fundamentals may be damaged in the short term, the continued bias should be corrected.
This is a serious academic subject. Why am I here, and the general reader should discuss this issue?
First, it is closely related with each person. China's retail investors dominate the asset markets. Them to make investment or speculative decisions, the majority view that "the Government will not let asset prices fall." Once you have restrictions on government spending, then this expectation there is a bit credible? Restrictions on the discussion of monetary expansion could help Chinese investors to assess the risk of investment decisions.
Secondly, from a global point of view, money supply growth are much higher than the nominal GDP growth rate. In other words, money growth is used to support highly leveraged rate, which is particularly evident in the financial sector. Of course, the reason is that central banks by lowering interest rates to fight financial crisis, and sometimes even forced to increase the liquidity of banks in order to be able to increase their loans to stimulate the economy. However, the money has flowed into asset markets, leading to asset markets and prosperity. Active asset prices stabilize the global economy. While most analysts believe that active asset markets reflects the booming global economy, they are the correct expectations. However, I think this is not true. As in the past decade, as the prosperity of asset markets to support economic growth, rather than the other way around - because of strong economic growth has led to asset markets, and prosperity - and therefore, everything is just a bubble.
While the global economy is recovering moderately, the overall economic situation remains difficult. The unemployment rate in OECD countries are at historic highs. Boom in asset markets and real contrast between the economic difficulties, can be described as unique in modern times. Despite the efforts of workers and enterprises are struggling, asset players book profits are re-harvested. Assets behind this prosperity, the central bank's monetary policy. We must ask, policy has achieved its goal to help the real economy, it? Or that the policies to help only those speculators, hoping that they can give the real economy to leave some cold leftovers?
Financial institutions to obtain large amounts of currency from the Central Bank, but the current financial crisis had revealed the existence of money to run a serious inefficiency. Triggered a crisis for those who provide so much money on the ground precisely because they triggered the crisis, which is what the logic is that? Like that when the house was on fire, you have to extinguish the fire and find the culprit. The problem is, arson and were asked to go to the fire. How, then, can be sure that they will not cause another fire?
Most people think that the reform of the financial system, rather than restrict the money supply is the solution to this problem. When this happens, the future demand for money would be valid. So far, the problems found in the financial crisis still not been corrected. Over the past decade, the global financial system has become very large, will be the central bank, legislators and the government trapped in them. About to push forward the reform to those who will not touch the main factors triggered the current crisis. Even the best reforms can be introduced, the core question remains difficult to resolve: the financial practitioners use someone else's money gambling, the moment of injection, they will get a huge return; the wrong note, they will not compensate. This incentive problem that the current global financial system, encouraging aggressive risk preferences, the efficient market is not the case. Central Bank restrictions on money supply, is the only way to solve this problem. Asset price inflation over the past decade, as well as after the bursting of the disaster, are proof of this argument is credible.
70 years of stagnation of the last century, prompting economists examine why the monetary stimulus, and no increase in demand, but directly to inflation. This study contributed to the development of rational expectations theory to explain the public's monetary policy response. It is obvious the conclusion that the decision-makers can be fooled by ordinary people again. People won a Nobel Prize. Milton Friedman advocates will be money supply growth target, as the central bank's guiding principle. This approach will allow central banks to money growth target, "autopilot" and let the market determine interest rates.
Rational expectations theory is further used to explain investor behavior, and leads to the efficient market theory: under certain conditions, rational investors will bring effective asset prices, such prices to accurately reflect the anticipated future. With the academic terms, an effective asset prices, that is, contains all the useful information about future prices. This has to remove those from the "Great Depression" period of the lessons learned and set up a regulatory framework, laid the foundation.
The last century, 70 years of stagnation, making the central bank struggled to cope with short-term inflation. Based on the efficient market theory, the central bank decided to completely satisfy the demand for money financial institutions to support their leverage ratio. This combination has emerged over the past decade, has laid the foundation for a huge bubble. As inflation remained at a low level of globalization, Wall Street can be unlimited access to liquidity from the central bank, to create a bubble.
In Western financial markets, institutional investors dominated by retail or individual investors dominated the East financial markets. Most institutional investors is based on quarterly market index as the benchmark, while the amount of cash they hold there are limits. These constraints make them at a disadvantage it is difficult to outperform. That is why most institutional investors are the index of his followers. The additional management costs, making the performance of the majority of institutional investors, worse than the index, it will not increase market efficiency.
The plight of the reform
Over the past decade, the financial markets, the most significant development is the absolute performance of the Fund (Absolute performance funds) and hedge funds increases. However, they only amplified the volatility of the market did not improve market efficiency. Because hedge fund managers pay is Hanlaobaoshou, so they naturally like to see a long-term fluctuations. This is a euphemism for "positive balance I win, you lose the negative operator" in a coin toss game. Let the hedge fund industry managers, rather than the investors a lot of money.
No matter how trying to improve the incentive structure of institutional investors, "managing other people's money" to bring the incentive distortions difficult to change. Institutionalized to improve market efficiency, once hailed as a big step forward has been proved to the invalid condition even worse. Faced with fast-changing market, developing countries, has sought to institutionalize to stabilize the market. They should think twice. Institutionalized or be able to reduce the short-term fluctuations, but it will become a big crash.
Retail or individual investors often mistake a short period of volatility as the trend. "Herd behavior" that resulted in the trend of self-realization, which is mostly only temporary. However, this herd behavior sometimes continue for a long period of time, triggering a huge bubble. This bubble will lead to serious mismanagement of resources.
In order to minimize the possibility of future financial crises, people can reform the financial system in order to reduce the tendency of a crisis; or in the formulation of monetary policy, taking account of asset prices and consumer prices. A year ago, crisis, policy-makers around the world, has vowed to reform the financial system, the elimination of corruption and over-leveraged. Spend hundreds of trillions of dollars in government aid financial institutions, the reform momentum has diminished. The U.S. Congress Reform Act has been diluted, so they are unable to prevent another major crisis.
Capital adequacy ratio requirements, and transparency is the key to effective financial reform. For example, the OTC derivatives notional value of trillions of dollars. They are an opaque environment to flourish. Market makers can be cheating the buyers and regulatory agencies to obtain high profits: charging them high fees, but they did not provide this high-risk products to a lot of money. If the market is transparent, and the capital request is reasonable, then this business has not been conducted so big. In theory, derivatives can help buyers to reduce risk; while in practice, due to complex structures can be hidden leverage, derivatives, will bring even greater risk. Unless it can see the derivatives market is intended to address the issue of reform, otherwise, the so-called financial reform is difficult to call it "effective."
Who will be its reputation?
There is no never-ending feast, and now as well. There are two cases indicates that another crisis. First, each trader to borrow U.S. dollars to buy things. Most of Wall Street traders are Americans, British, as well as Australians. They were all very understanding of the United States. U.S. Federal Reserve to maintain a zero interest rate policy, the U.S. government also supports a weaker dollar to boost U.S. exports. Unless it is a fool, everyone can see that the U.S. government is "help" you borrow U.S. dollars to the speculation. However, these traders are not familiar with other countries, especially in emerging economies. They also go there once or twice a year, even though a moment or two, or and the United States to go along with investment banks: These investment bank, but would like to sell things to them. They are willing to believe anything, except the dollar will appreciate. Of course, the Wall Street banks will tell them so. Because a large number of these people, their actions in the short term self-realization. For example, counting from the bottom dollar, has appreciated by 35%. Now, these guys sitting on huge profits on the book, she felt so smart. Of course, Wall Street traders are paid to investors in the Prior has already begun to feed himself.
Once the transaction is too large, as now, only a small shock could trigger hurricanes, but you never know what the impact would be. If anything does happen, all of these dealers will be quick exit, which may lead to another crisis.
The oil price surge may be another party uninvited guest. It may trigger a rebound in inflation expectations and caused the bond market crash. The resulting high bond yields could force central banks to raise interest rates to reduce inflation concerns. Another round of big decline in asset prices, will once again stirred the world's major financial institutions for the balance sheet fears, once again cause confusion.
The oil is to create a perfect foam materials: oil supply can not be a timely response to rising oil prices, it takes a long time to expand production capacity, and because of lifestyles and production methods of the viscosity, can not quickly reduce oil demand. Either demand or supply side, oil prices are lower in sensitivity, it is suitable for manufacture of foam. When liquidity is cheap and easy to get the time, oil speculators everywhere.
Oil speculators are no longer just those secretive hedge funds. Ordinary people can also purchase exchange-traded fund has oil or anything else. Moreover, there is no reason not to do so. Central Bank has made it clear that it would maintain an adequate money supply as much as possible, so that depreciation of paper money to help the debtor. If you are a very big bet, when you inject the wrong time, the Government will help you overcome adversity, and lower interest rates to enable you to have even greater stakes. Therefore, in this world, it is best to be a speculator, those in power will always be with you.
For those who want to be opportunists, I have a word offer advice: Once the bond market fell sharply as soon as possible for their lives go. Oil bubbles easier to disappear just as quickly, because it will puncture the other bubbles. Once the bubble burst, for the survival of the oil bubble of oxygen also disappeared.
In 2010 the situation has emerged the second dip is obvious. The current economic recovery has benefited from the enterprise supplementary inventory and financial incentives. Next year, cash-strapped consumers in the West soon after the little chance of recovery. High unemployment, the income will allow them to support their consumption is difficult. They are unlikely to Zaiqu borrow and spend.
Many analysts believe that as long as unemployment remains high, then the policy should continue to stimulate. As I mentioned earlier, supply and demand do not match - rather than weak demand in itself - is the main reason for high unemployment. More stimulus would trigger inflation and financial instability.
The last century, 70 years of stagnation, so that a group assumed to be "a little inflation is available in exchange for substantial economic growth," the banker notorious. The current crisis will make those who ignore asset price inflation, or even create inflation and to stimulate economic growth, this generation of central bankers reputation for consistency. Playing with fire are bound to self-immolation. ■Xie Sohu blog http://xieguozhong.blog.sohu.com/
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
SOS Myth on US Dollar

"Gold $2,000."(AP) AND -- "NIA Says Gold Could Rise to $5400. It looks like this breakout above $1000 could be permanent." (Reuters)
"High Gold Prices Here To Stay... The gold market has spoken loudly and definitely in the longer run." (Forbes)
Gold prices are still 53% below their inflation-adjusted 1980 peak. "Even at above $1000/ounce, gold still looks cheap in terms of other financial assets." (Bullion Vault)
"Bargain hunting boosted gold futures. Prices below $990 have increasingly been seen as a buying opportunity." (Wall Street Journal)
"Gold Prices Show No Signs Of Slowing... Analysts say there's little standing in the way of more advance. The only way this doesn't continue would be a stronger dollar. I can't find anybody out there that is saying that is going to happen." (Associated Press)
To summarize the picture: Since 1913, the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen 96%. To match that loss, gold should be up 25 times from its pre-1934 fixed value of $20.67.
It's not. It's up 50-times. On this basis, gold is 50% overvalued.
In Bob Prechter’s own words:
"A gold buyer today must be really convinced that inflation is going to take off in order to justify buying at today's prices. Of course, buyers today are convinced that inflation will rage, just as they were convinced that inflation was no threat at all back when gold was at $253.”
Currency is fiat money, but, this fiat money is relative. It comes in pair, i.e. USD/EUR, USD/Yen.
Gold is real money? Well Gold contracts traded in Comex is also fiat money, isn't it? But it is also relative to USD dollar and other currencies. Although gold price per USD has increased lately, but against Australian/Canadian/other major currencies, it dropped, i.e. get less currency.
Gold has appreciated against USD.
Gold has depreciated against AUD.
AUD has appreciated against USD.
So if you are an American and has lots of USD, will you buy gold or AUD?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
SOS Myth - Stock market leads the Economy

Thursday, October 22, 2009
SOS Myth on Inflation

An increasingly loud chorus of investors expects the imminent demise of the US dollar and US Treasuries. They also expect that an exploding monetary base and the US’s structural problems will lead to massive inflation. This opinion may prove to be correct in the very long run, but evidence continues to mount that a deflationary phase will come first.
First, let’s summarize the inflationists’ view: Debt in the US is out of control, and the actions of the Fed, Treasury and Congress will continue to offset any deflationary slowdown in the economy. Deficit spending and interest rate cuts from almost every nation on the planet are inflationary. The US’s exploding monetary base, which has more than doubled over the past year, and large fiscal deficits, which may exceed $1.2 trillion this year, will eventually devalue the US dollar and cause foreigners to flee the Treasury market. The interest payments on our national debt will rise because of this exodus from the US Treasury market, which will weaken the dollar further.
We believe that people are incorrect to always look for inflation. At rare times, deflation happens, and here are the two key points which show holes in the inflationists’ near term outlook for inflation.
i. Treasury markets are attracting record demand -- Until foreign central banks flee from US Treasury debt, one plank of the inflationists’ platform is missing. Wholesale abandonment of US Treasury debt would cause interest rates to soar, which would raise the cost of capital in the US. But the data clearly shows that foreign central banks have not abandoned the US Treasury. As the chart indicates, foreign net purchases of Treasuries hit an all-time high at $100.53 B in June 2009, with China and Japan leading the way.
ii. Collapse in consumer credit -- The US monetary base has expanded, but banks have raised lending standards and consumers are spending less. Consumer credit has fallen by $60 billion in the last five months, the sharpest drop in more than 50 years, and the new trend towards less spending is likely to continue. This drop in consumer credit should warn the inflationists that a new trend is in force -- one of deleveraging, which runs counter to the idea of inflation. The expanded money supply is potential inflation, but it is impotent if the credit is not actually being extended. As Bob Prechter points out in Conquer the Crash, “The ultimate success of the Fed’s attempts to influence the total amount of credit outstanding depends not only upon willing borrowers but also upon the banks as willing creditors.”
3. How do we know if Inflationist is correct?
If inflationists are to be correct, we will likely see confirming action in the currency and bond markets. While not required, an impulsive (in Elliott wave terms) sell-off in the US dollar and Treasury bonds would at least be a warning that inflationists were on the right track. But Elliott wave patterns in the US dollar continue to suggest a significant bottom at hand. And in the Treasury arena, along with the scramble for cash, investors are likely to scurry away from risky assets into the one US market that’s still rated AAA -- US Treasuries.
Just as accounting scandals and fraud were unearthed towards the end of the technology collapse from 2000-02, be prepared for similar bombshells to explode along with Primary wave 3 down. (My apologies to non-subscribers for using another potentially unfamiliar term.) They will come from areas where inflationists haven’t thought to look, such as emerging markets, derivatives, high-frequency trading and terrorism. Only after bombshells begin to burst will most investors realize that a slumping economy and deflation are underway. And only once deflation has been embraced by the mainstream is the point when inflation will become likely.
- Inflationist says deficit spending and interest rate cut will cause inflationary (deflationist says consumer spending drop, credit drop, saving increase, bank reserve increase because not lend out)
- major QE and fiscal deficit will eventually devalue US Dollar and cause foreigner to flee Tresuries (On contrary, June 2009, net purchase of Tresuries by China and Japan)
- interest payment will rise and further weaken the US Dollar (so far no major sell-off of US dollars and Tresuries bonds)
Is the arguement above convincing enough? Well time will tell, get your portfolio prepared, perhaps a wiser move is based on deflation first then inflation later (couple of years down the road)
SOS Myth on Debts

- future debt on medicare, medicade and socialcare (USD104 trillion)
- federal debt next 10 years circa (USD9.1 trillion)
- unrecorded toxic debt (derivatives i.e. CDO, CLO, CDS, MBS) (USD200 trillion)
Can printing money solve the structural problem i.e. more debt to resolve the economy that already have too much debt?
Is bailout the solution, it only shifting private debt into public debt, with a hope that prolonging the debt will reduce drastically the Non Performing Loan. Will it work? Well it can defer it, but not eliminating it. Japan tried it, look at them, lost 2 decades. Japan is a Creditor nation, USA is a Debtor nation.
If Debt are used productively, i.e. used to invest into a cash generating assets for long term, it will value add to the economy.
What will happen when the Growth of Debt is faster than the GDP?
Is the GDP sustainable?
What about deleveraging? It may takes a while to unwind such a hugh debt (private debt of USD45 trillion)
Look at Japan, although they have shifted part of the private debt into public debt, the share market did not grow since 1989 to 2009. It is a myth that stimuli will resolve the too much debt issue. Something need to give. If it can be resolve so easily, every time we face with debt problem, we just print more money and problem solve.
The longer the debt is dragged, the longer the economy will suffer.Tuesday, October 20, 2009
SOS Myth on Gold

The rise in gold is primarily the result of speculation and a falling U.S. dollar. These are exactly the “untenable” forces that contribute to a Bubble, not a genuine Bull market. The difference is only a matter of time.
4 Factors to know Gold price increase is Genuine or just another Bubble
To know whether a diamond is real, it must cut glass. And, to know whether the bull market in gold is real, it must encompass at least one of these FOUR traits:
A surge in demand that outpaces supply
A falling stock market, which raises the “safe haven” appeal of precious metals.
A real (not imagined) threat of inflation
An increase in value relative to major foreign currencies
Right now, the Gold market can NOT check off a single one of these items. Case in point:Supply: Demand for gold from jewelry makers – which comprises 60%-70% of the market – has plummeted to its lowest level in 20 years.
“Safe haven” appeal: From its March 2009 bottom, the U.S. stock market has soared 50% right alongside rallying gold prices.
Inflation: As the October 2009 Elliott Wave Financial Forecast (EWFF) notes: An increase in money supply is only inflationary if it is used to RAISE the total amount of credit. This is NOT happening, as both bank credit and consumer credit levels are contracting for the first time since World War II.
A gold rally in other currencies: Again, the October 2009 EWFF presents the following close-up of Spot Gold prices VERSUS Gold denominated in foreign currencies such as the Canadian dollar, the Australian dollar, the euro, franc, pound, and yen since 2007. (see chart above)
- Most major media is in a view of GOLD is going to hit the roof (on basis of inflation - which is a myth)
- Most hedgefunds, traders and speculator, is gearing up, to buy gold, guess what will happen when the US dollar rally, like in July 2oo8, all other financial assets dropped (commodities) but at different pace (energy will drop first, then agriculture, then precious metals)
- Now only 3% is bullish on US dollar vs March 9, it was 98% bullish dollar
- Don't forget, there is a new game in town call US Dollar carry trade (how will it turn out when it unwind)
The rise in gold is primarily the result of speculation and a falling U.S. dollar. These are exactly the “untenable” forces that contribute to a Bubble, not a genuine Bull market. The difference is only a matter of time.
The right question would be, will US dollar continue to slide?
If yes, hard assets will continue to rise
If not, like in 2008, all financial and hard assets will drop
One way to find out is the bullishness in US Dollar is only 3% vs March 2009 at 98%. It is very clear that when US dollar weakens, crude oil, gold, commodities soar. This is not REAL demand and supply of HARD ASSETS, this is demand and supply of FINANCIAL ASSETS, i.e. Dec Gold contracts using borrowed money is USD12 billion.
SOS Myth - Fed is in control

It is clear to some that the Fed's policy is to weaken the US dollar, and there is evidence that it will continue to do so for quite some time. Gold and equities react to this by going up. Don't you think that until the Fed's stance changes, all the talk about the stock market topping should be suspended? | |
Responder: Vadim Pokhlebkin | Date: 10/16/2009 |
Regular EWI's Message Board readers will remember seeing questions like "Won't the Fed prevent the crash?" two years ago, before the DJIA tanked the first time. The Fed did intervene -- remember when central banks first tried stop the crash? December 2007, with the DJIA near 13,500. Bob Prechter wrote about it his December 2007 Elliott Wave Theorist: "The world’s 'big five' central banks -- the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank -- have just made the announcement of their lives. Apparently working all night on Tuesday-Wednesday, the Fed arranged all these players’ cooperation in order to come up with a plan to bolster confidence among the world’s creditors and borrowers. The Wall Street Journal (12/13) calls it 'the biggest coordinated show of international financial force since Sept. 11, 2001.' ...This consortium of money monopolists announced to the world that it would provide billions of dollars worth of 'liquidity'... essentially presenting them free passes to make money in the LIBOR market and elsewhere. In this one blazing statement broadcast worldwide, it seems that the dream/nightmare of believers in perpetual inflation has come true: With unlimited fiat credit at their disposal, the world’s central banks are proudly coordinating a drive to create more inflation." Despite central banks' best efforts, the DJIA still lost 58% (Oct. 2007 high to Mar. 2009 low). Yet most people continue to believe that the Fed is in control. Bob Prechter explains in Ch. 13 of Conquer the Crash why they were powerless against the first round of deflation -- and why they are likely to fail again. MyView
SOS Fiat Money

GOVERMENT - total USD121.8 trillion
- Healthcare plan - USD1 trillion
- Govt deficit next 10 yrs - USD9 trillion
- Existing Govt debt - USD11.8 trillion
- Unfunded Obligation (socialcare, medicare, medicade) - USD104 trillion
- Private or Corporate Debt - USD45 trillion
- Debt held by Foreign countries - USD7.9 trillion
- Derivatives - USD250 trillion (some are contra off)
- GDP = consumption + govt spending + investment + [export - import]
- Consumption = USD10 trillion
- DJIA earnings about USD0.5 trillion to USD0.75 trillion (average 2007-2008)
- DJIA earnings 2009 = less than USD0.14 trillion or USD140 billion
- Savings rate of consumer increased since early 2009
- Lending is down (but reserve is up, arising from QE)
- Borrowing is down (overleverage, credit cards, mortgage)
- 98 banks bankrupted to date
- Unemployment rate increases
- Most says USD continue to collapse
- Most says run to hard assets i.e. commodities
- Most says Hyperinflation is the current threat
- Most says China & Russia & Emerging market will save for global economy
- Most says gold price will at least double over the next few years
Monday, October 19, 2009
SOS Gold Bug win Round 1

On one U.S. exchange alone, the December Gold contract is financed with roughly $12 billion of borrowed money, margin debt. Those are borrowings that require winnings, and losses cannot be tolerated. Any rally, even of a short-term nature, in the value of the U.S. dollar will send those borrowers of all those billions scurrying for the door.
Neither politicians nor central bankers are going to develop financial religion, and that is certainly true of the failing Obama Regime. Keynesianism continues to dominate both economic thinking and policy. No greater intellectual failure exists than Keynesianism, but it continues as the dominant economic ideology.
Keynesianism has demonstrated neither an ability to foresee the economic future nor the ability to serve as a tool for successfully managing the economy. Gold has served as a successful defender of wealth from the disastrous Keynesian policies of the past decade, and will continue to do so. However, do not let one be trampled by the momentum traders as they rush into the room.
By Ned W Schmidt CFA, CEBS
- remember what I said, physical gold & financial asset gold (let me call it fantasy gold) is two different world.
- the value of fantasy gold traded at times are more than 10 times the value of physical gold on the earth surface
- fantasy gold i.e. Dec gold contract is financed by USD12 billion borrowings, any small rally in US dollar will send those borrowers scurrying to the door
- physical gold demands for jeweries had dropped over the last 20 years (70% gold produced are used for jeweries)
- so, when US dollar rally, what will happen - gold will drop, crude oil will drop, share market will drop, commodities will drop (almost most asset class will drop together)
SOS 9 out of 10

- recession is over
- gold price will achieve new high
- US dollar will continue to collapse
- bullish on US share market
- crude oil will go further up
- commodities will continue to improve
- residential properties stablised
- hyperinflation will be the near term threats
Lets us put on the thinking caps and use our common sense to answer the following questions
- If the recession is over, why would unemployment is inching higher every month
- If we accept the myth that gold price will fly during hyperinflation, you may be in for a suprise (it has been proven that there is not much correlation).
- Remember Sept 2008, a sudden deleveraging has pushes the dollar up, don't you think it will happen again? Can we savely assumed deleveraging is over?
- Is US market overvalued, it doesn't matter in a highly liquid environment, but...., what happen the sleeping giant (deleveraging) is coming for round two? Can we be sure all the toxic assets problems are resolved?
- Do we thin crude oil, precious metal or agriculture will improve when the world largest consumption (USA) shrink? Or if they found new large crude oil in Russia (bigger than the entire middle east)? Have we ever thought for a while there is a major different between physical commodities and financial assets in commodities demand & supply, one is guide by real supply and demand, the other is guided by social mood. Do you know, an ordinary citizen can sell tonnes of crude oil at a fixed price at a new future without having to deliver when the contract expire? Don't we think this is different from the real demand for crude oil used by manufacturing plant, transportation etc. Look at shippings (uses lots of crude oil to run, what position are there in)?
- Has the derivatives market of USD600 trillion problems resolved? If it is, what were the solutions? Anyone seen those actions taken? Any new regulations to control such practices? Have we forgotten AIG was brought down by "derivatives" or excessive risk taking in "derivatives"? Hey, why no one talks about derivatives, which is the elephant in the room!
Using the simplest common sense that we have, just imagine, USA consist of ONE government, ONE private sector, ONE printing machine, ONE financial institution, ONE citizen
So there are 5 souls in USA, once upon a time. ONE citizen has been borrowing up to USD45 trillion or gearing of more than 3 times to grow and consume, with a GDP of only USD14 trillion.
- can the said consumption sustainable (which is driven by debt)? (btw, unemployment is about 9.7% and including part time, it is about 16%)
- can the consumer and corporate continue to borrow with such high gearing? (btw, US citizen has recently went into saving mode)
- more than a quarter of GDP is contributed by financial sector in US, do you think that contribution will be sustainable over the next few years? (btw, 98 banks had filed for Chapter 11)
- btw, is the world USD600 trillion derivatives resolved? What happens to all CDOs, CLOs, CDS, MBS etc? Can anyone quantify? If not how can we said it is solved?
Of course, most times, the share market defy logic or common sense, this is because most people assume earnings drives the share market, which also has been proven wrong by Robert Prechter, although he did not says earnings is not important.
The verdict is, you may lie to somepeople some time, but you cannot lie to everyone all the time. That is besides the point anyway, the point is, if you do not solve the structural issues, it will come back to haunt you. Ever heard of the Tsunami, the second wave is the killer wave.
Will the same 9 out of 10 smart fellas who got it all wrong in 2008, got it right this time round? What additional indicators or tools they used differently to deduce at such predictions? Well, as far as common sense can tell us, the 9 out of 10 never get rich eventually.
Let us remind ourselves in Oct 6, 2008 see the chart above and also March 9, 2009.Saturday, October 17, 2009
SOS Up or Down

SOS Russia
Friday, October 16, 2009
SOS Ready Set Go!

TLT 208 shares (ETF long 20yrs treasury bonds)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
SOS Dow Jones 10,000, make 50% since March a Myth in real term?

And if you want to be really scared, here is the comparable representation for the DJIA in ounces of gold. It cost about 30 ounces to buy the 10,000 Dow last time. Now it costs less than 10.
- Is it not better to put your money in GOLD rather than DJIA?
- Since 1971 when US does away with gold standard, the US dollars in gold terms had lost about 97%, that means if you buy 1 oz of gold in 1971 at say USD35, today, you sell to the market the same oz of gold you will get USD1050, i.e. 30 times more.
- Your question will be, would it better to keep Gold today and 40 years later, gold will get to about USD31,500 per oz? Assuming it is on a straight line basis.
- Well if you buy gold in 1980s at say around USD850 per oz, and today USD1050 per oz, you gain about ONLY 24% in 29 years. THAT is a bad bad investment.
- But if you buy in 1998 at USD300 per oz, today is USD1050, you made about 350% in 10 yrs, not bad.
Lets see
- Buy in 1970 (US35/0z) - you gain 3000% in 40 yrs
- Buy in 1980 (US850/oz) - you gain 24% in 30 yrs
- Buy in 1990 (USD420/0z) - you gain 250% in 20 yrs
- Buy in 1998 - (USD300/0z) you gain 350% in 10 yrs
The question is if you buy in 2010, say USD700 per oz or 2009 at USD1050 per oz, what would you get in 10yrs time?
Be careful, what we are saying here is financial assets in GOLD (futures) not physical GOLD. Physical gold and Financial Assets in Gold is totally different in terms of DEMAND and SUPPLY. Example, physical gold used for jeweries (70% of the usage of gold, 30% kept in vault) has dropped to 20 yrs low, i.e. demand for physical gold dropped over last 20 yrs but WHY did Financial Assets in Gold goes up 250% in the same 20 years (1990 t0 2009)?
Isn't this defy logic? Financial Assets in Gold is merely, FIAT GOLD CURRENCY, the same as FIAT money. Anyway, Financial Assets in Gold is worth easily 10 times more than all the Physical gold worth on earth. How do we reconcile this? You will find it odd at times when the value of Financial Assets (in GOLD) traded in the market is 10 times higher than the existing physical GOLD produced.
Warren Buffet once said, what economic value created by GOLD when you mine it in South Africa, and transport it and store it in the vault in New York bank?
SOS Earnings driving the Stock Market a Myth?

See above, confirm, earnings does not drive the share market, it is a myth (proven, period)
Are stocks driven by corporate earnings? In June 1991, The Wall Street Journal reported on a study by Goldman Sachs’s Barrie Wigmore, who found that “only 35% of stock price growth [in the 1980s] can be attributed to earnings and interest rates.” Wigmore concludes that all the rest is due simply to changing social attitudes toward holding stocks. Says the Journal, “[This] may have just blown a hole through this most cherished of Wall Street convictions.”
What about simply the trend of earnings vs. the stock market? Well, since 1932, corporate profits have been down in 19 years. The Dow rose in 14 of those years. In 1973-74, the Dow fell 46% while earnings rose 47%. 12-month earnings peaked at the bear market low. Earnings do not drive stocks.
- Common myth that most investors thought that stock index is driven by earnings, the truth is, it is driven by SOCIAL MOODS;
- You can forecast SOCIAL MOODS using elliot wave theory with great probability of accuracy and it will HELP you make money and/or prevent you from losing your pants;
- It is not rocket science, but deduction of art (psychology) into understandable science (elliote wave theory)
Monday, October 12, 2009
SOS Portfolio Construction

- Gold/Silver etc
- Energy stocks
- Commodities stocks (agriculture)
- International stock (in Asia, Latin America)
- Cash (less than 20%)
Deflationist camp basis is to buy
- Mainly tresuries while waiting for market to drop (equity, real estate, commodities) - i.e. 50% to 70% in liquide
- Short equity market
- Long US dollar
- Short commodities
- Precious metal (5%)
I will construct the portfolio on GoogleFinance and update on this blog once every quarter, say 1st of Jan, April, July, Oct
Of course, there will be ocassional readjustment, which will be updated and explained on the reason.
This case, we will able to see over a long run, which camp is better off. However, I wish to quality it is merely a hypothesis case, with a capital of USD50,000. And the investment portfolio shall starts from 12 Oct 2009.
Friday, October 9, 2009
SOS End of Debate

- both sides arguments are right, it is a matter of timing what they said is right, e.g. even a dead clock is correct twice a day;
- one thing for sure, the volatility of the share market is very high compare with many years ago;
- best Way is to look at their investment portfolio for a long period of time, say 5 to 10 years from say 2009, because action and result speaks louder than words
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
SOS Flation Debate

- He has nothing to support the inflationist
- only wrong if prices of everything increase
- that wouldnt be inflation, it is just a price increase (broken window theory based on stimulus)
- all ballooning of credit end up in deflation (like Japan)
- what causes changes from inflation to deflation, psycology, change of social mood which is capture by elliote wave, inplosion of credit and money
Harry Dent (Deflationist)
- use demograhics (dealt with fundamental) on top of elliotwave, commodities cycle down every 29 yrs, real cycle over last 200 yrs
- last bubble for gold going up to 1200 in 3 to 6 months, if it continue to 1600 until end of 2010, then he admit he would be missing something
Peter Schiff (Inflationist)
- complete change in Washington, to raise interest rate, allow bankruptcies, default on government debt, don't bailouts, FDIC is broke, (don't see that is happening)
- south sea bubble , Mississippi, deflate because of going back to gold
- no restrain in printing of money, in gold terms, so when fiat money cannot be rely on, they will turn back to gold
Marc Faber (inflationist)
- if there is a strong dollar, there will be deflation, which is unlikely
- don't see how the collapse of commodities with the dynamics from emerging economics
- Zimbawae example, how to pay back loan with such loans, deflation is saying gold may go 200 per oz, but did not happen for a while
Jim (Moderator, sides inflationist)
- daily consumptions goods price has increase
- creditors nation in 1930 & now is debtors nation in US
- deflationist cannot answer that in history any debtor nation by printing fiat money that does not end up in inflation
- government can change the rules (bailouts, fed's balance sheet, too big to fail)
- For deflationist, when prices of all goods goes up (including asset class), the it is inflation.
- For inflationist, who seems to focus on increase in daily consumptions goods is deemed inflation and gold price will go up
- Inflationist do not consider the implosion of debt (deleveraging) as a major deflation factor because they believe the government actions do not allow it, i.e. printing money, stimulus, bailout, too big to fail BUT deflationist is convince no major amount of printing of money can stop the deleveraging train because of the momentum theory = MV (money printed x velocity) Deflationist believe the velocity is very low, bank do not want to lend, and consumer do not want to borrow due to already high gearing they are in.
- Inflationist based on Agrentina, Zimbawae and German Models to defend their believe
- Deflationist based on South Sea Bubble, Tulip case and Japan as their model to defend their believe but inflationist said that the eventually when the fiat money does not work, they will somehow turn to gold.
This subject become the daily debates of so many experts. Whichever camp we choose will decide what we will put in our portfolio. But for long term, one we cannot miss is GOLD, because the printing of money will eventually reduce its purchasing power. The only problem is, how long does it takes to reach there.
SOS Long or Short, Bull or Bear

- Fundamentally (overvalue high PE, lowest dividend yield in history, future GDP growth for next 10 yrs predicted by Gary Shilling is about 2% p.a. vs past 20 years is 3.3%);
- Based on Elliot Wave Theory, considering the social mood and past trend analysis (with high probability of accuracy) is calling a deflations in most asset class, including equity
- Based on Leading and Lagging Economic Indicators is berish because the main problem is the consumptions reduction (70% of GDP or USD10 trillion, unemployment persist, saving rate increase, consumption drop, no major new borrowings or bank lendings) and deleveraging of debts (USD45 trillion) and derivatives (USD200 trillion)
- The worst is over, based on the bullish indicator
- Confidence is back, the financial crisis is stablised
- Daily Sentiment Index is bullish
- Stimulus plan by government will pump lots of money in the market
- Liquidity have improved
Few factors we need to consder seriously:
- consumer consumption capability, sustainability of USD10 trillion
- deleveraging of private debt of USD45 trillion
- deleveraging of derivatives of USD200 trillion
- effectiveness of stimulus plan (bailouts, buying toxic assets, cash for clunker)
SOS Bernanke's Scorecard

Bernanke's Scorecard (by Mike Shedlock)
Here is Bernanke’s roadmap, and a “point-by-point” list from that speech.
1. Reduce nominal interest rate to zero. Check. That didn’t work...
2. Increase the number of dollars in circulation, or credibly threaten to do so. Check. That didn’t work...
3. Expand the scale of asset purchases or, possibly, expand the menu of assets it buys. Check & check. That didn’t work...
4. Make low-interest-rate loans to banks. Check. That didn’t work...
5. Cooperate with fiscal authorities to inject more money. Check. That didn’t work...
6. Lower rates further out along the Treasury term structure. Check. That didn’t work...
7. Commit to holding the overnight rate at zero for some specified period. Check. That didn’t work...
8. Begin announcing explicit ceilings for yields on longer-maturity Treasury debt (bonds maturing within the next two years); enforce interest-rate ceilings by committing to make unlimited purchases of securities at prices consistent with the targeted yields. Check, and check. That didn’t work...
9. If that proves insufficient, cap yields of Treasury securities at still longer maturities, say three to six years. Check (they’re buying out to 7 years right now.) That didn’t work...
10. Use its existing authority to operate in the markets for agency debt. Check (in fact, they “own” the agency debt market!) That didn’t work...
11. Influence yields on privately issued securities. (Note: the Fed used to be restricted in doing that, but not anymore.) Check. That didn’t work...
USA rewards the incompetence, immoral and insane leaders.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
SOS Science or Art
That is why, social mood will cover the art part, using Fibonacci or Elliot Wave to predict the trend. This theory said that social mood is predictable with a high probability of accuracy.
The science part will be all the indicators, both leading and lagging, and the key result area indicators.
In order to be a good investor, one must know both to have a higher probability of making profits for the long run.
One of the Guru of Elliotte Wave is Bob Prechter. Should include him as one of you studies.
One of the Guru in Science of economics, I will pick Gary Shilling and/or Steve Keen.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
SOS Velocity

Momentum = MV = mass x velocity Money Supply = money pump in the banks (but banks are hoarding cash and dare not lend) x velocity (so there are not much movements or circulations of the new credit to the consumers, who are not spending as well, saving rates has increased)
The inflationists called that money printing and will cause hyperinflation.
The deflationists said the impact on money printing can hardly compared with the credit or debt deleveraging (Private debt is about USD45 trillion), the impact at very best, create a bit of mania.
As what Max Keiser said, it does not really matter what you call it, a black cat or a white cat, show us your portfolio performance year on year since 2008, which will speak louder than any call.