Friday, October 10, 2014

SOS Temptations

Life is full of temptations.

Normally temptations will overcome RATIONAL thinking, or shall I say, emotional thinking takes over.  Emotional thinking, or lack of rational thinking will cause the person make MISTAKES.

Principle - don't give into temptation if it is within your control.  As the word temptations, it is due to weakness to control RATIONAL THINKING.

For example, your spouse is nagging about something, so, if an opportunity arise to stop that temptation to stop the nagging, one may give in to their own principle to please their spouse.  Hence, they will find a solution, although it may be against its own principle, they will still do it and regret later.  It could be an expensive lesson.

Similarly for kids, due to temptations of playing electronic gadgets such as iPhone, iPad, computer games, they give in into this temptations, playing electronic gadgets instead of doing REVISION, which is their responsibilities.

Although most parents may agree that you should not force your kids to do something they do not like, the kids tend to suck in by temptations, because at their age, they are not aware of their responsibilities. Unfortunately, for kids, even after we discipline them about not give in into a temptations, they seems to forget and make the same mistakes all over again.  The never seems to learn.

Exactly like ADULTS, about investment.  The element of greed or the element of temptations to make fast money always make the same MISTAKES.  So, for adult, they don't seems to be responsible themselves and then expect their kids to be responsible.

Anyway, this is a work TEMPTATIONS can be view from another angle.  Basically it is a TEST for us to hold a GOOD PRINCIPLE like being honest.  Human tend to lie to protect themselves.  And unfortunately, if a person is honest, others will call them "naive", "stupid", "slow".  In the end, it is expected or natural or it is alright to be dishonest to protect their self interest.  Hence, the standards of todays moral is very much different from the ancient times.


Don't give in to TEMPTATIONS.  Like eat a lot, while over weight.  In the end, you will have to PAY for giving in to TEMPTATIONS, and you really have to pay more.  Anyway, it is not a coincidence, it is a predestined, it is just a test whether one is enlighten to this principles.  Today, i learn the hard lesson of temptation and can be avoided should I use my RATIONAL THINKING.

So, remember, in whatever we do, we hold the consequences.

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