Sunday, February 20, 2011

SOS the market can stay irrational longer than the investor can stay solvent

SOS there is a major GAP between the reality as against what is REPORTED.

Market capitalisation vs NTA
Share price vs intrinsic value
GDP vs Debt over GDP
Household debt vs household income
Household debt over GDP

The market can stay irrational longer than the investor can stay solvent. In short, although in reality it is a fact that the economy is weak, but the report statistics can be translated and perceived that the economy is strong.


There is always a GAP between the perceived truth and the REALITY. What the governments do is to provide a perceived truth to their citizens as the REALITY will not benefits its government.

In short, people like to hear what hear what they want to listen. Until one day, the gap between the perceive truth and the reality is so huge, REVOLUTION will began.

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