Edward Ulysses Cafe
Barclays Global Investors Holdings and State Street Corporation are one of the top 10 shareholders of banking counters in NYSE.
I live in the heart of America, and am haunted by the saying:
"Evil succeeds because good men do nothing." by Edmund Burke.
Albert Einstein had another way of saying it:
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."
So I do what I can.
Education actually starts after school. Most children is bombarded with all sorts of information during their schooling years, sadly, i think 20-30% are useful, the rest, frankly, they need to be unlearned, and a lot of time is required to unlearn what is learned over the early years of life especially when we are young, there is not sufficient for one to "debate" what is fact or fiction.
The two excepts by Einstein and Edmund principally point to a conclusion, "the world is not fair" or "we dig our own grave" or "even we try to be good person, it is not easy". As part of the society, normally we are "at the losing end" of a grand scale of actions taken by the government of the day or we "not even aware" that we are being "CHEATED".
Even after finding out that you have been cheated, you "may" be helpless to change the situation.
The moral of the story here can be perceived as follows: one is to "forgive and forget the current situation" and the other is to "fight for your own rights or it will be taken away" or "just do what you can like what Eisntein said" or "clarify the truth to the rest". There is no wrong or right in your action or inaction, end of the day, or in the long run, it will rebalance by itself, with or without your action or inaction.
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