Wednesday, March 31, 2010
SOS Bono vs Brown

Monday, March 29, 2010
SOS Main Street vs Wall Street

US used to be contributed by Main Street
US now mainly contributed by Wall Street
- Clinton deregulate, continue in full gear by Bush and Obama
- Credit default swaps is built
- Concentration not on productions of goods or services, but financial products which do not add value to the REAL economy, is basically of music chair system
- Current recovery is fundamentally based on new money printed by the entire world, and create other bubble or prolong the toxic assets to go bust or in short, debasing the currency
- The real productive capacity is gone in developed world
- In ordinary business, when market slows, spent less or pull back on spending, not more stimulus
- Per Gerald Celente, if he is president, support local goods, not from China and stop eating junk (not genetically modified and, spiritually, people must reconnect
- Perception vs Truth in Economy, Truth will prevail when perception ran out of gas (when, nobody knows, as long as government pump in more perceptions, people will be misled longer at their own expense).
- Decision made today by policy makers will be the seeds for the future generation, hence, look back 10 to 20 years back, what had the government done right and wrong then you will see the result TODAY
- Prepare yourself, in worst situation, one will be prepared to handle crisis.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
SOS Tsunami

According to the people that experience the tsunami in 2004, they will say, the first wave was catastrophic, the second wave was the killer.
Well, we have went through the first one since 2007 Oct to 2009 Mac, where DJIA has dropped about 50% from 14,000, and it climb back to near 11,000 since Mac 2009 to March 2010.
Will there be a second wave, absolutely. It is a matter of timing. Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4 of 2010, take your pick. Until you see the second one, the first one is child play.
Better get your safety gear ready, when it comes again, better be prepared.
One way is to SHORT the market. Why? US is going through a deflation depression. Robert Sheller's think the double deep is probable. So is Robert Prechter, or Harry Dent, or Gary Shillings.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
SOS Gem Of Life

- greed
- pride
- fame
- revenge
- glory
- comfort
- lust
- conflict
- competition
- cheating
- corrupt
- hatred
- jealousy
- lie
- outsmart
- achievements
Well it is just a series, but I believe also happen in real life. Morality is down the drain. So what is it got to so with Finance world today? Well, there are not far away from this series. That's why power corrupt.
Look at what happen in USA during the crisis, the taxpayer is paying for the sin of the too big to fail. When they gain, they keep it, when they fail, they get the bailout. The elite really get away with crime.
Friday, March 19, 2010
SOS End of the World

Just look at the poor guy up there, can he handle the DEBT? No doubt about it, he will be crushed sooner or later if not for the stimulus (extending the debt life, but not improving the assets value of securities). Once the stimulus dies off, the DEBT will come crushing down faster than you can handle, exactly like Sept 2008.
So, be careful especially if you are highly invested.
I have been warning of the eventure FreeFall since August 2009. I am totally wrong in timing wise, but there is a saying in investment, one have to preserve its capital, failing which, all his gains and capital will be wipe out the moment the Tsunami comes.
If you are prepared for the Tsunami, even you are one year early, that is fine, at least you won't be drowned when it comes, you already have a head start. That is the whole idea, I rather be wrong for a year or two in timing, but, I am still alive when the party is over. Until then, have fun with your party, but the question is, would a drunk person knows how to stop, especially the tap is free?
SOS Freefall

Monday, March 15, 2010
SOS Perception or Reality

For those whole like to know more about the Reality behind the communist party of China, you may google "Nine Commentaries of Chinese Communist Party".
Thursday, March 11, 2010
SOS Are we there yet?

This is not superstitous, neither is it science, or it is just coincident? Actually it is economics, simple economics. Why does a country want to build the tallest building in the WORLD? Well, mainly for two reasons, one is for pride and the other, misallocation of resources due to excesses.
Tallest building mainly reflect excesses.
So I figure to short the Shanghai Stock Exchange stocks in 2013.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
SOS When?

- Jim Rogers
- Peter Schiff
- Marc Faber
- Robert Prechter
- Michael Shedlock
- Max Keiser
- Gerald Celente
- Gary Shillings
- Noureil Roubini
- Steve Keen
- Janet Travokali
The question is the risk reward. What is the chances of UP for DJIA to 14,000
What is the chances of DOWN for DJIA to 6,000
Now it is 10,600 (4 March 2010)
Chances 14000 - say 30%
Chance 6000 - say 60%
Well, of course we bet on the 60%, that goes without saying. Why not the other way round? Take a pick, it would be fun. If we strongly think DOWN chances is high, then SHORT the Market, why not try TWM @ 22.50 on 4 March 2010 and have a look within the next one year or shorter.
Historical High is 116Historical Low is 22.50
Friday, March 5, 2010
SOS The 8 Myths of Market

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
SOS Faith Vs Fact