Does This Look Like A Healthy Economy To You?
Industrial capacity at an all time low: In November 2009 industrial capacity was 71% -- roughly 3 out of every 10 of our plants are doing nothing at all.
Shocking real unemployment: The Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University estimates that real unemployment now stands at 18.2%: this is higher than the posted rate at the end of the 1930s.
Falling revenue and profits: Even after laying off people and cutting costs, year-over-year
Corporate Revenues and Operating Earnings fell 17% and 43% in 2009.
Food stamps in America? There are more than 35 million Americans on food stamps.
Falling incomes, rising debts: REAL incomes (not using massaged data), are down 40% since 1973 even while consumers still owe $2.46 trillion in credit debt
A creeping socialist tide: A full 18% of incomes are coming from an already broke government.
Unemployment desperation: No less than 53% of people falling off unemployment numbers are doing so because they've exhausted their benefits. This is an all time record.
Plunging state coffers: Individual tax receipts are down 29% year over year in October 2009 (the most recent data available). Keep in mind that this is a drop from 2008 levels! How is government going to pay debt or provide services?
Bankrupt governments: California is the first state to go begging for a bailout, but you can be sure that others will follow.
Fully 48 states are running deficits. Even if Obama doubled the bailout efforts, US states would still be underwater.
In very simple terms, the entire U.S. Government (state and federal) is bankrupt
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