- Property market is building up a big bubble (the cost per square foot in Shanghai is close or higher than in New York City)
- Fundamentally the property in major city are over price with rental yield of only 3% p.a.
- Supply is over demand (google Andy Xie)

SOS China Spiritually Bankrupt
- China Communist Party (CCP) in 1999 percecuted Falun Dafa practitioners due to jealousy of the President then, Jiang Zemin, due to its popularity and growing in numbers (which brings fear to CCP)
- 1992, Falun Dafa established by Master Li as a type of qigong practicises and gain popularity via the word of mouth and has grown from a few thousand disciples to around more than 70 million people in China
- During 1992 to 1999, no official complains were filed against Falun Dafa, but in July 1999, Jiang Zemin, decided to percecute Falun Dafa disciples.
- Actually during that period of 1992 and 1999, many researches were done on the practitioners and were found it was beneficial to their health as well as improve the moral value of the practitioners and also won many certifications on health benefits and supported by various associations in China
- It was also spread to outside mainland China in 1993/4 and well accepted by other countries such as Australia, Canada, USA, Europe countries, South East Asia, Hong Kong, NZ etc.
For those who like to know more about CCP, one can go visit:
- www.epochtimes.com (look for Nine Commentaries of Communist Party)
- www.clearwisdom.net (to find out how to learn Falun Gong and practitioners experiences)
- www.falundafa.org (to download free materials on the excercises and books to learn more)
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