G-20 approved creation of new world currency, given the authority to IMF to issue up to USD750 billion, via the SDR, special depository rights.
Who control IMF, the few influencial central bankers, the most dominates one is the UK's Bank of England and US's Federal Reserve (privately owned by group of elites).
Well, normally this is how the money is used, it goes to the countries that needs help, say the Eastern Europe, it goes in, with conditions, and it came out back to the lenders from Western Europe, whereby the lenders, again is owned by the elites.
The Federal Reserve injected about USD180 billion into AIG, and immediately, AIG pay to the counter party, namely, Golman Sach, Deutch Bank, Society General, UBS [35%]. Remember UBS was fined by the American for secrecy accounts up to USD750 million, the following day UBS received from AIG about USD5 billion as the counter party. Not bad, UBS got a cool net cash of USD4.25 billion.
Car Industry and Financial Industry
Fed bailout most major banks without much condition, on ground of too big to fail, but hesitated and only given GM a couple of billion, with lots of conditions, including plans on how to restructure and recover, while the bankers got away free. If the Fed gave say, USD10 billion to GM, it may have save at least 1 million of employees in the motor industry. However, without hesitation, Fed bailout the financial institutions, not even a plan is needed, just the justification of to big to fail or systematic risk involved.
G-20 approved creation of new world currency, given the authority to IMF to issue up to USD750 billion, via the SDR, special depository rights.
Who control IMF, the few influencial central bankers, the most dominates one is the UK's Bank of England and US's Federal Reserve (privately owned by group of elites).
Well, normally this is how the money is used, it goes to the countries that needs help, say the Eastern Europe, it goes in, with conditions, and it came out back to the lenders from Western Europe, whereby the lenders, again is owned by the elites.
The Federal Reserve injected about USD180 billion into AIG, and immediately, AIG pay to the counter party, namely, Golman Sach, Deutch Bank, Society General, UBS [35%]. Remember UBS was fined by the American for secrecy accounts up to USD750 million, the following day UBS received from AIG about USD5 billion as the counter party. Not bad, UBS got a cool net cash of USD4.25 billion.
Car Industry and Financial Industry
Fed bailout most major banks without much condition, on ground of too big to fail, but hesitated and only given GM a couple of billion, with lots of conditions, including plans on how to restructure and recover, while the bankers got away free. If the Fed gave say, USD10 billion to GM, it may have save at least 1 million of employees in the motor industry. However, without hesitation, Fed bailout the financial institutions, not even a plan is needed, just the justification of to big to fail or systematic risk involved.
- Why are the elites bankers being bailout without much conditions or plan while the motor industry will not be spared eventually?
- Why does G20 create new currency to a tune of USD750 billion, used as quantitative easing?
- Why does big chunck of money injected into AIG goes to European banks?
To know more, you have to complete the puzzle by yourself, well, the following may help [take it with a pinch of salt]
- Max Keiser
- Alex Jones
- Webster Tarpley
- Gerald Celente
- Project Camelot
- David Icke
- George Green
- Carroll Quigley (Tragedy and Hope)
- Matthias Chang
- Not me.
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