- too huge a trade deficit and budget deficit
- continuous printing money via stimulus plans and guarantees
- too huge of toxic assets like CDS (USD60 trillion), CDO (USD5 trillion), Derivatives (USD350 trillion), mortgage market (USD20 trillion)
- no more options as interest rate is near zero
- consumption collapse due to unemployment
- government intervention, deepen the crisis
- continue spending and printing money
Then why is US dollars appreciated against all major currency in 2008 except Yen?
- deleveraging
- other countries like Europe is similar trouble
- unwinding of carry trade
How long will the US dollars continue to hold?
- this is a trillion dollar question, some expert say less than a year, some say, 2 yrs but certainty is 100%
- US dollars will collapse in less than a year, by March 2010 (my view only)
- Gold will soar to USD2000 per oz by March 2010
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