VII. Reflections on the Evil Rule of the CCP
What Is the Communist Party?
This seemingly simple question has no simple answers. Under the pretense of being �for the people� and in the guise of a political party, the Communist Party has indeed deceived millions of people. And yet it is not a political party in the ordinary sense, but a harmful and evil cult possessed by an evil specter. The Communist Party is a living being who manifests in this world through the Party organizations. What truly controls the Communist Party is the evil specter that first entered it, and it is that evil specter that determines the evil nature of the Communist Party.
The leaders of the Communist Party, while acting as the gurus of the cult, serve only as the mouthpiece of the evil specter and the Party. When their will and purpose are in line with the Party and can be used by it, they will be chosen as leaders. But when they can no longer meet the needs of the Party, they will be ruthlessly overthrown. The mechanism of struggle of the Party makes sure that only the craftiest, the most evil, and the toughest ones will hold steadily to the position of guru of the Communist Party. A dozen or so ranking party leaders have fallen from grace, which proves the truth of this argument. In fact, the top leaders of the Party are walking on a very narrow tight rope. They can either break away from the Party line and leave a good name in history, as Gorbachev did, or be victimized by the Party like many general secretaries of the Party.
The people are the targets of the Party�s enslavement and oppression. Under the Party�s rule, the people have no rights to reject the Party. Instead, they are forced to accept the Party�s leadership and fulfill the obligation to sustain the Party. They are also subjected to regular cult type brainwashing under the threat of coercion from the Party. The CCP forces the whole nation to believe in and sustain this evil cult. This is rarely seen in the world today, and we have to recognize the CCP�s unmatchable skill in such oppression.
The party members are a physical mass that has been used to fill up the body of the Party. Many among them are honest and kind, and may even be quite accomplished in their public life. These are the people the CCP likes to recruit, since their reputation and competence may be used to serve the Party. Many others, out of their desire to become an official and enjoy a higher social status, would work hard to join the Party and aid the evil being. There are also those who chose to join the Party because they want to accomplish something in their lives and realized that under the Communist rule they could not do so unless they joined the Party. Some joined the Party because they wanted the allocation of an apartment or simply wanted a better image. Thus among the tens of millions of Party members, there are both good and bad people. Regardless of motives, once you swear your allegiance in front of the Party�s flag, willingly or otherwise, that means you have voluntarily devoted yourself to the Party. You will then go through the brainwashing process by participating in the weekly political studies. A significant number of Party members will have little if any of their own thoughts left and would be easily controlled by the evil specter of the CCP host body as a result of the indoctrination by the Party. These people will function within the Party like the cells of a human body, and work non-stop for the Party�s existence, even though they themselves are also part of the population enslaved by the Party. Sadder still, after the bondage of the �party nature� is imposed on you, it becomes very hard to take it off. Once you show your human side, you will be purged or persecuted. You cannot withdraw from the Party on your own even if you want to, for the Party, with its entrance-yes and exit-no policy, would regard you as a traitor. That is why people often reveal a dual-nature: in their political life the nature of the Communist Party, and in their daily life human nature.
The Party cadres are a group that retains power among Party members. Though they may have choices between good and bad and make their own decisions on specific occasions, at specific times, and specific events, they, as a whole, have to follow the will of the Party. The mandate dictates �the whole Party obeys the Central Committee.� The Party cadres are the leaders at different levels; they are the Party�s backbones. They too are merely tools for the Party. They, too, have been deceived, used and victimized during the past political movements. The CCP�s underlying criterion is to test whether you are following the right guru and are sincere in your devotion.
Why Do People Remain Unaware?
The CCP has acted viciously and wickedly throughout its more than 50-year rule over China. But why do the Chinese people lack a realistic understanding of the CCP�s evil nature? Is it because the Chinese are dumb? No. The Chinese constitute one of the wisest nations in the world and boast a rich traditional culture and heritage of 5000 years. Yet the Chinese people are still living under the CCP�s rule, completely afraid of expressing their discontent. The key lies in the mind-control practiced by the CCP.
If the Chinese people enjoyed freedom of expression and could debate openly the merits and demerits of the CCP, we could imagine the Chinese would have long ago seen through the evil nature of the CCP and freed themselves from the influence of this evil cult. Unfortunately, the Chinese people lost their freedom of expression and thought over half a century ago with the advent of the CCP�s rule. The purpose behind persecution of the rightists among the intellectuals in 1957 was to restrain free expression and to control people�s minds. In a society so lacking fundamental freedoms, most of the youth who had wholeheartedly studied the works of Marx and Engels during the Cultural Revolution have ironically been labeled as an �anti-Party clique� and are subsequently persecuted. Discussing the CCP�s rights and wrongs was simply out of the question.
Not many Chinese would even dare to think of calling the CCP an evil cult. However, were that assertion made, those who have lived in China would not find it hard to discover strong evidence supporting the argument, from both their own experience and those of their family and friends.
The Chinese people have not only been deprived of freedom of thought, they have also been indoctrinated with the teachings and culture of the Party. Thus, all that people could hear have been the praises of the Party, and their minds have been impoverished of any thought other than ideas that reinforce the CCP. Take the Tiananmen massacre for example. When shots were fired on June 4th, 1989, many people instinctively ran to hide in the bushes. Moments later, despite the risks, they came bravely out of hiding and sang �The Internationale� together. These Chinese were indeed courageous, innocent and respectable, yet why did they sing �The Internationale,� the Communist anthem, when confronted with the Communist killing? The reason is simple. Educated in the Party�s culture, all the pitiable people know is Communism. Those in Tiananmen Square did not know any other songs than �The Internationale� and a few others that praise the Communist Party.
Some may wonder why I posted such a long history of CCP and its nature. One, to unveil the TRUTH and to STOP CCP from persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. Innocent people are being persecuted for believing in TRUTHFULNESS, COMPASSION & TOLERANCE. And non practitioners also being poisoned for the lies that CCP machinery created, and deter/brainwash ordinary people into not believing in spiritual belief.
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