Tai Chi is one type of QiGong. It is very popular in China during the early 70s, because of the health benefits from the exercise. The beauty of qigong is that it can be practiced by young or old. Although some people do the exercise, but many others are not aware of its benefit.
Most people shy away from it because the qigong exercise is perceived for the old and retire people only, who have time to take up such exercise.
Falun Gong, is really good for your mind and body. There are 5 exercises, it takes about 1-2 hours. It is very flexible, you do not need to do it in sequences. You may do each exercise separately, at different times. A few of the exercises only takes 10 minutes, 15 minutes, or 20 minutes. The longer one may take 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Do give it a try. Of course, the starting phase, it takes a little time to get use to it. Actually the movements is very easy to follow. (go to www.falundafa.org , exercise video, it will show you). It is FREE and have many exercise site near your area, call up and join them. Don't miss this opportunity, I have friends, in the 70s, told me that their health improves after doing the Falun Gong exercise. I have also benefited from it, both physically and mentally.
Give it a try, after all, it is a good opportunity. You can do it at the leisure of your own time. And can be done at home as well (after you have learned it from other practitioners or learn it by yourself from the internet.
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