The Contrast between Treatment of Teachers on Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait (Photos)
By a Clearwisdom correspondent
( On April 10, 2011 published a report from Taiwan entitled, “Autistic Child Experiences Great Improvement because of Falun Gong (Photos).”
The child was diagnosed as autistic and had a tendency to be aggressive with other children. When the boy advanced to the fifth grade, he joined Li Changbai's class. During his lunch break, Li Changbai would arrange a short period of reading and share with students how to apply Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance in dealing the problems of everyday life. These daily readings of Zhuan Falun have helped the child greatly in controlling his behavior, enabling him to analyze the difference between right and wrong, and adjust his behavior accordingly. Zhuan Falun has made a dramatic difference in this boy's life.

Li Changbai teaching a class
There are many teachers like Li Changbai in Taiwan who practice Falun Gong and guide students with Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Many teachers in Taiwan have received numerous commendations for practicing these principles.
Mr. Chen Yingcong, the principal of the Guilin Primary School in Yunlin County, Taiwan, is well known in his community for his gentle manner and his dedication to the school. His teachings are based on Falun Dafa's principals of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. On October 6, 2008, at the State Qingshui Elite Middle School of Taichung, Mr. Chen received the 96th Annual Award from the Department of Education for his outstanding contributions and endeavors in teaching. The award has been discussed in education circles not only as an honor for Chen as an individual, but for all of Yunlin County.

Mr. Chen Yingcong receiving the 96th Annual Award from the Department of Education, for his “outstanding contribution” to student affairs and teaching.
Ms. Chang Suhsing is the Director of Teaching at Wufu High School. She was afflicted with several ailments prior to her cultivation of Falun Dafa. After she started cultivating with her family, her health greatly improved. On October 9, 2009, Wufu High School was highly praised by the Kaohsing Education Bureau for its promotion of Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance among students. In September 2002, Ms. Chang won the “Extraordinary Teacher Award” issued by the Kaohsiung City Educational Bureau.
Ms. Lee Min-yu is a teacher at the Ming Yih Elementary School in Hualian County. She began cultivating Falun Dafa in 2001. After reading Zhuan Falun, she realized that the purpose of life is to return to one's origin and true self. Each year the Bureau of Education holds an event to encourage professionalism among teachers. Each school can only nominate one or two teachers for evaluation. In September 2003, Lee Min-yu was honored as an “Extraordinary Teacher” in Hualian County. She was selected to receive this honor with the highest score among all recommended teachers in the county.
On September 26, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Hung Tenghsiang, principal of the Huideng High School in Yilan County, Taiwan, won the 22nd “Hung Dao Award” issued by the Private Education Association in Taiwan. This is the highest award and honor available for a private school teacher in Taiwan, and is equivalent to the governmental “Best Teacher Award”. On October 23, 2008, Mr. Hung was interviewed by Taiwanese President Ma Yingjeou.
These teachers who practice Falun Gong in Taiwan have benefited in both body and mind from cultivation. They have become better teachers and have received recognition for their work. However in Mainland China, many teachers who practice Falun Gong are being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In the ten days between March 7, 2011 and March 16, reported eighteen cases of teachers being persecuted. The following are a few examples:
Ms. Feng Ruixue was a lecturer at the Hebei Province Medical University in Shijiazhuang City. Police from the Shijiazhuang Security Brigade and Qiaoxinshi Police Station arrested her on March 9 on campus. She is currently detained in the Shijiazhuang detention Center.
Ms. Liu Xiuwen, seventy years old, is a retired teacher from the Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology. On March 2, 2010, police from the Wuhou section of Chengdu arrested her and sent her to a brainwashing center. It has been more than a year since her arrest.
In August 2010, Ms. Li Fengxia, a teacher in Humeng Hailaerjia, Inner Mongolia was arrested and the CCP still does not allow her family to visit her.
Ms. Kang Shuqin, 64, was a teacher of the 45th Middle School in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. In 2002, police from the Xinhualing Public Security in Taiyuan arrested her. She was stripped naked and beaten. The Xinghualing District Court illegally sentenced her to eleven years in prison. She has been held in Shanxi Women Prison for the last nine years.
Ms. Hu Miaomiao, a kindergarten teacher, was arrested and sent to the Hebei Women's Forced Labor Camp. She was held in solitary confinement for more than two months. The police ordered inmates to tie her up and beat her. Prisoners would kick her lower body, resulting in a pubic bone injury that prevents her from walking upright.

Ms. Hu Miaomiao with kindergarten children
Mr. Guo Xiaojun, a former lecturer at Shanghai Jiaotong University, was arrested on November 2, 2010 and secretly sent to Tilanqiao Prison. When he had a serious vision problem, his wife requested that he be released for treatment. However despite knowledge of Mr Xiaojun's problem, the prison still refused to release him.
Because she practiced Falun Gong, Ms. Luo Changyun, a teacher in Ankang, Shanxi Province, was arrested three times and sent to forced labor. In 2008 she was arrested in Guangzhou. Later she was sentenced to five years in prison. Ms. Luo Changyun is currently being detained in Shaanxi Women's Prison. Unable to bear the pressure and harassment from the police, her husband divorced her. Her two daughters were also discriminated against.
On January 19, 2011, the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau arrested Ms. Chen Xue, a young teacher in the Department of Computer Engineering College in Fujian province. She was held secretly for two years. On February 25, she was arrested again and sent to the Fujian Female Labor Camp.
Mr. Wang Zheng, a teacher in the Huaikou Middle School of Jintang County, Sichuan Province, and his wife Zhong Zhifang, are both Falun Gong practitioners. In June 2008, they were arrested and sent to serve forced labor. Even though their sentences would expire in June 2011, Wang Zheng's father and Zhong Zhifang's mother both passed away due to grief and anxiety over their children's imprisonment.
The above cases are just a few examples of persecution that have been brought to light despite the Chinese Communist government's censorship. In the declining morality of Mainland China, teachers are no exception. It is common practice for teachers to accept gifts from students' parents and to use any means to obtain money. But the CCP has no tolerance for teachers who practice Falun Gong, follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and are sincerely concerned for their students. These teachers decline gifts from parents, and treat all of their students equally. Just because they adhere to their faith, they are deprived of their right to teach and are put in prisons, labor camps, and brainwashing centers, causing their families enormous suffering. It seems that the CCP does not tolerate good people.
The issue here is simple, is Falun Gong good? Let us rationalise it with an objective mind. Falun Gong is a practice of mind and body, i.e. it involves some slow physical movements that resemble qigong movements that improves the health and also live by the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. Why do one government, CCP (China) supported it from 1992 and make a "U turn" in June 1999? The benefits to the physical health is also based on proper research and survey conducted in China in the early 90s, not by any claims. On the other hand, the Taiwan government is in full support to it, why?
OK, let us disregard the political factor (assuming there is no government in both China and Taiwan). Only the one that experience from practicing it can confirm the benefits, no matter what report says. Would the teachers from both side irrational? Well, let us not debate that. Ask those who have practice it, don't ask one, ask many. And, that is not good enough as well, try it, if it doesn't bring any positive changes, then don't follow it. Anyone is free to join and to go.