Friday, January 30, 2009


Causes and Effects

Over borrowings (causes) - reduce borrowing, in public and in private sectors, should not continue to issue debt to finance the toxic waste

Over consumptions (causes) - should reduce consumptions and encourage savings, stimulus plans only encorage more credit and consumption, which is the original cause of the problems

Reduce interest rates (causes) - causes of loose credits, encourage mortgage boom and debt, continue race to zero interest only temporary delay the problem not solving the problem, as in the long term, US dollars will loose its value

Wanted to know more, youtube

  • Peter Schiff

  • Roubini

  • Marc Faber

  • Jim Rogers

SOS Finance

SOS finance was created to find the truth about who control the world

In order t0 find out the truth behind it, one's mind have to change in order to look at things from a higher level of conciousness, or the truth will remain as mysteries.

First and foremost, we have to understand the world strongest economy in the world, USA and the politics behind it. It was once said, whoever control the world, controls the printing money machine and the production of crude oil.
To know who controls US of A, one have to know the government and the personality behind it, just like who is the shareholders and the management behind it, enjoy reading the attached